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刘 鹏

发布时间:2023-01-03 12:26:35来源:增材制造专业委员会浏览量:

2022.11-至今  湖南电气职业技术学院外聘专家,指导数字化设计与制造技术专业建设
2022.07-今 桂林电子科技大学  机电工程学院 副教授,硕士导师
2020.01-2022.07 桂林电子科技大学  机电工程学院 教师
2020.01-2021.12 以色列理工学院    航空航天     博士后
2017.10-2020.01 湖南大学          机械工程     博士后
2013.9-2017.6   湖南大学,结构工程      博士
2010.9-2013.6   河海大学,固体力学      硕士
2006.9-2010.6   湖南科技大学,工程力学      学士

发表学术论文20余篇,其中SCI索引论文17篇(第一作者及通讯作者9篇,其中中科院一区4篇,其他作者8篇),另有EI索引论文5篇(第一作者2篇,其他作者3篇),文章共引用866次(Google Scholar,单篇最高引用次数为109次)。已在国内外的权威期刊“Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering” (1篇)”,“Computers Structures” (1篇),“International Journal of Solids and Structures” (2篇)” , “Composites Part B: Engineering” (1篇), “Materials &Design” (1篇),“Journal of Bionic Engineering” (2篇)等期刊上发表论文。此外,与东京工业大学(Tokyo Institute of Technology) Sohichi Hirose教授、Tinh Quoc Bui副教授课题组保持长期合作。主持省部级项目三项。
担任“Composites Part B: Engineering”、“Journal of Bionic Engineering”、” Acta Biomaterialia”、|“Thin-Wall Structures”及“复合材料学报”等期刊审稿人
[1] Chen, Lei., Shan, Wubin, & Peng Liu*. Identification of concrete aggregates using K-means clustering and level set method. Structures,2021,34: 2069-2076(影响因子:4.01,3区).

[2] Shan, W., Zhong, H., Mo, H., Zhao, S., & Liu, P*.  Epoxy acrylate-based shape memory polymer via 3D printing. Express Polymer Letters, 2021, 15(12) (影响因子:4.161, 2区).

[3] Shan, Wubin, Yifan Chen, Mo Hu, Shigang Qin, Peng Liu*. 4D printing of shape memory polymer via liquid crystal display (LCD) stereolithographic 3D printing. Materials Research Express ,2020(接收,影响因子1.961,4区).

[4] Zhu, Deju*, Zhang, Chaohui, Liu, Peng*, & Jawad, L. A. Comparison of the Morphology, Structures and Mechanical Properties of Teleost Fish Scales Collected from New Zealand. Journal of Bionic Engineering, 2019,16(2): 328-336 (影响因子:2.682, 2区).

[5] Liu Peng, Duan Huigao, Van Lich Le,Ye Tuo, Bui Quoc Tinh,. Buckling of stomatopod-dactyl-club-inspired functional gradient plates: A numerical study. Composite Structures, 2019, 207: 801-815(影响因子: 6.603, 1区).

[6] Peng Liu, Deju zhu, Junwen Wang, Tinh Quoc Bui. Structure, Mechanical Behavior and Puncture Resistance of Grass Carp. Journal of Bionic Engineering, 2017,14 (2): 356 -368(影响因子: 2.682,2区).

[7] Peng Liu, Deju Zhu, Yiming Yao, Junwen Wang, Tinh Quoc Bui. Numerical simulation of ballistic impact behavior of bio-inspired scale-like protection system. Materials & Design, 2016,99(5): 201-210(影响因子: 9.417, 1区).

[8] Peng Liu, Tinh Quoc Bui, Deju. Zhu, Tiantang Yu, Junwen Wang, Shuohui Yin, Sohichi Hirose. Buckling failure analysis of cracked functionally graded plates by a stabilized discrete shear gap extended 3-node triangular plate element. Composites Part B: Engineering, 2015, 77:179-193(影响因子: 11.332, 1区).

[9] Peng Liu, Tiantang Yu, Tinh Quoc Bui, Chuanzeng Zhang, Yepeng Xu, Chee Wah Lim. W. Transient thermal shock fracture analysis of functionally graded piezoelectric materials by the extended finite element method. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2014,51(11):2167-2182(影响因子: 3.667, 2区).

[10] Peng Liu, Tiantang Yu, Tinh Quoc Bui, Chuanzeng Zhang. Transient dynamic crack analysis in non-homogeneous functionally graded piezoelectric materials by the X-FEM. Computational Materials Science, 2013, 69: 542-558(影响因子: 3.572, 3区).

[11] Peng Liu, Tiantang Yu, Tinh Quoc Bui, Chuanzeng Zhang, Guirong Liu, M.V. Golub. The singular edge-based smoothed finite element method for stationary dynamic crack problems in 2D elastic solids. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2012, 233: 68-80(影响因子: 6.588, 1区).

1、广西科技基地青年人才专项项目, 2021AC19077, 基于3D打印与翻模微针成型技术研究,2022/01-2024/12,10万,在研, 主持
2、湖南省青年自然基金,2019JJ50063,含缺陷薄膜纳米裂纹力学行为及机理研究,2019/01-2021/12,5万,已结题, 主持
3、博士后面上项目, 2018M632957, 3D打印仿生功能梯度材料力学行为研究, 2018/05-2020/05, 5万,已结题, 主持



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